
Strength and Conditioning Gym in Manhattan

Reach new heights no matter your fitness level

Maximum Performance offers a wide variety of programs and services to help you achieve your health, fitness, and athletic goals
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Every fitness level is welcome

Our staff and members believe in creating a friendly environment for people at all fitness levels.

Workout on your own terms

with varied membership plans you have access to all equipment with a large range of open hours!

Guidance tailored toward your fitness goals

workout plans/personal training/classes for any goal you may have!

Every body is unique.
Find something that works for YOU

Personal Training

A passionate, knowledgeable personal trainer will show you what to do and keep you on the right track.
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Main Programs

Sports Training

Strength and conditioning program for the middle school/ high school athlete, with focus on speed/power/agility/strength.
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Main Programs

Getting started is easy


Schedule Your Free Visit

We want to hear your fitness goals, assess a good starting point, and even let you try out a class for free!

Find a Plan That Works for You

Get guidance tailored to your body and progress consistently. We will guide you every step of the way.

Transform Your Life

Getting fit is hard; staying fit is harder. We're here to ensure you build healthy habits and systems that keep you on the right track.

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Manhattan Residents

Everything you need to crush your fitness goals

Changing Rooms for Before + After Workouts

Individualized Fitness Programming

Easy Class Scheduling


Personal Training

Open Gym

Maximum Performance PhysicalTherapy and Fitness

Our community is what makes us special. And it's what will keep you going

Starting a new workout routine can be overwhelming. Don't worry, we'll make it simple and fun for you.

Our trainers are passionate and knowledgeable, helping you know what to do, keeping you on track. They celebrate with you every time you reach the next level!

We are striving to help every person find a higher quality of life through greater health.

Conveniently located on McCall Rd close to K-State and Downtown, with ease of access from Wamego/Rock Creek area

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Maximum Performance PhysicalTherapy and Fitness is located and easily accessible from all of Manhattan.

Come visit us

426 McCall Rd, Manhattan, KS 66502
Get Directions

Questions? We (probably) have the answers!

Do you provide free refreshments there?
Do I have to be fit to join?
What payment methods do you accept?
What kind of exercises can I expect during a workout?
Do I have to stop eating my favorite foods to be healthy?

Still curious? Talk to us!

Do something today that you will be proud of tomorrow.

Start Your Free Trial
Final Offer
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